Saturday, October 2, 2021


  • The fourth day of the Provincial Chapter began with the meditation animated by Fr. Loyola and the Holy Eucharist was presided over by Rev. Fr. S. Francis, SdC, the Provincial Councilor. In his homily he highlighted the three mission aspects of Jesus namely proclamation, reformation and revolution. In the footsteps of our Lord and our Holy Founder, Fr. Francis wished the members that the outcome of this provincial chapter may be revolution, if not at least reformation and that it does not remain only at the level of proclamation. 

  • At the start of the office hours of the chapter, invited by Fr. Benson, the moderator of the day Fr. Shantham led the forum with a prayer song after which the members recited the prayer for the 5th Provincial Chapter. Then Fr. Moderator invited Fr. M. Periyanayagam the secretary to read out the minutes of the previous day and it was approved with few clarifications and additions. 
  • Then Fr. Moderator let the members know the wishes they have received from the Guanellian family all around the world, reading out their names, after which he introduced Mr. Domnic Tilak, the World Council member for the Guanellian Co- operators and the president of the GC in Bangalore saying that he is of humble and approachable character in spite of being highly professional.
  • Mr. Dominic began his talk by thanking the fathers for the opportunity and for their exemplary life he explained the reality of GC, GLM and GYM in India with clear statistical data and narrated the way the lay cooperation has developed gradually over the years. He also clarified the doubts of the members and gave enough explanations too. Fr. Moderator thanked Mr. Tilak for his valuable presence and for having clarified about the functioning of GC and GLM here in India, and invited Rev.Fr. Kulandai Samy and Rev. Fr. Gnanaraj to honour Mr. Dominic with a shawl and a present. 

  • Then Rev. Fr. Provincial Superior invited by the Moderator, introduced the theme and the points of reflection for the day to the members. Portraying the exodus Journey of Israel as a model, He said that it is better to walk in wilderness for a better future than to remain tied up in the past and wished the members to come out with concrete proposals to create means to carry out the mission. 
  • After the group discussions the secretaries of the groups Frs. Loyola, John Paul, Adaikalam and Samson presented the reports along with the proposals to the floor. The members intervened and clarified over the presented reports.

  • Subsequently Fr. Provincial invited by the Moderator announced the proceeding for the next day, the last day of the 5th Provincial Chapter. He proposed a change of schedule with a session from 10.30 am– 12.00 pm for the miscellaneous hours followed by the meditation and the Holy mass and the proceedings of the office hours at 3 pm as usual and added that the members will vote on the proposals and manuals on the last day. 
  • Rev. Fr. A. Satheesh Caniton SdC, the Provincial Councilor and the secretary on his part thanked all the members for their sacrifice and accommodating the overseas confreres in the forum. Finally the day concluded with the concluding prayer said by Rev. Fr. A. Adaikalam.
 - Secretaries