The Provincial Chapter is the representative assembly of the province, which is legitimately convoked to promote the renewal and the good of the province and the Congregation, according to the directives of the Church and our own Law.  

In particular, it is the competence of the provincial chapter to: 

  1. To study  and  examine  in  depth  the  reports  of  the provincial superior and of the provincial treasurer; 
  2. To verify  the  orientations  and  the  decisions  of  the preceding provincial chapter; 
  3. indicate the general guidelines for the programming which will be carried out by the provincial council; 
  4. To review  the  suggestions  and  requests  of  the  local chapters  and  of  the  individual  confreres,  and  upon evaluation make a decision about them; 
  5. To discuss and see that whatever has been established by the general chapter and general council is implemented; 
  6. To establish the number of provincial councillors; 
  7. To establish the dues to be contributed to the provincial treasurer. Further,  whenever  the  provincial  chapter  has  been  called  in view of the general chapter, it is its task to: 
  8. To discuss  the  topics  suggested  by  the  document announcing the chapter; 
  9. To discuss  and  vote  the  summary  document  of  the discussed problems and foreseen solutions; 
  10. To elect the provincial delegates to the general chapter, in accordance with the general regulations no. 251 (R 253). 

The  provincial  chapter  has  the  faculty  to elaborate, modify, and interpret authentically the provincial norms. In order to abrogate them, the absolute majority of votes is sufficient. In case of important matters to be evaluated in the chapter. a two-thirds majority of votes is required. If necessary, the provincial chapter can make decisions also with decrees. Before  their  promulgation,  motions,  proposals,  norms and decrees must be approved by the general council (R 252). This  shall  be  officially  communicated  to  the  confreres by the provincial superior

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